My home is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Cradle of peoples and archaic myths. The myth of "Atlantis" on several occasions has been associated with Sardinia. My blood is water of its rivers, its soil is my flesh, its forests are my bones.Neil starting by his island, the center of his world:Travels, observes and analyzes what he encounters in his wanderings around the world.
La mia terra è un'isola in mezzo al mare Mediterraneo. Culla di popoli e di miti arcaici. Il mito di "Atlantide" a più riprese è stato associato alla Sardegna. Il mio sangue è l'acqua dei suoi fiumi, il suo terreno è la mia carne, le sue foreste i miei polmoni e le sue pietre le mie ossa.

martedì 23 marzo 2010

.Air of nocturne

What is I hear resound in the distance ?

A funeral song of souls lost
Removed from man, from death and from time.
In my mind I see them coming towards me

The Indian redskin over the riverbank
as the last proud Sardus Pater colonized

“Try also you to resist today
or finally let yourself go…”

the puppet Pinocchio did go,
Jesus Christ Not.

Vegetable the soul of the first,
of simple flesh and blood
has proved to be the other.

Sardonic is now my smile
Faced with a new and unjust Duce
The Little man of butter, in country of toys.
<<>> the Platonic chorus
of damned alter-ego screams.

I washed my hands and face a fountain of crows scared

“I'm afraid of what I do not understand…”
“and this just do not understand”

But where is peace?
Nay, where you can find?
I will leave to my children my fears and doubts
Killed in the month of chestnuts

Of orange and brown is painted my oblivion,
only now are feel mother earth calling me.

So there!!! What did it say that funereal song.

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