My home is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Cradle of peoples and archaic myths. The myth of "Atlantis" on several occasions has been associated with Sardinia. My blood is water of its rivers, its soil is my flesh, its forests are my bones.Neil starting by his island, the center of his world:Travels, observes and analyzes what he encounters in his wanderings around the world.
La mia terra è un'isola in mezzo al mare Mediterraneo. Culla di popoli e di miti arcaici. Il mito di "Atlantide" a più riprese è stato associato alla Sardegna. Il mio sangue è l'acqua dei suoi fiumi, il suo terreno è la mia carne, le sue foreste i miei polmoni e le sue pietre le mie ossa.

domenica 25 aprile 2010

Vita, illusione e morte di Giovanna d'Arco

3 commenti:

  1. What is that? It is out of my imagination..

  2. This is a canvas 30x30 cm (acrylic, twine, sand, and other recycled materials) In my way of seeing and abstract painting. The subject is taken from a theatrical performance about the history of heroine Joan of Arc.
    I interpreted the character of the bishop Inquisitor Couchon.
    Meo. You know the story of Joan of Arc?

  3. Nicola, thanks for your explanation. I've heard the story of Saint Joan of Arc when I was young. I remember Saint Joan of Arc is a national heroine of France. But, I do not remember it so clearly, so I have just checked the Wikipedia entry.

    Wikipedia says "Joan of Arc has remained an important figure in Western culture. From Napoleon to the present, French politicians of all leanings have invoked her memory. Major writers and composers who have created works about her include Shakespeare, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw" and Nicola as well, I guess : )

    P.S With the help of Google Translate, I now know that "Vita, illusione e morte di Giovanna d'Arco" means "Life, illusion and death of Joan of Arc".
